The Silent Strom
The human species has developed a lot with time.
We all assume that with time everything improves. It is a reasonable thought too. Because every civilization advances and improves their lifestyle, ability to think, taking better decisions, finding new ways of living with the pass of time.
Every day a new innovative thing is discovered. The way Boston dynamics is advancing in robotics is fascinating.

But Students are not improving with time!
- Why students finding the school’s curriculum hard each year?
- If you compare the syllabus of 12th Grade from 10 years old textbook, you’ll see many complex & advanced concepts are not there. Why?
- Teachers have better resources to explain a concept but, students are finding those concepts hard. Why?
We are removing concepts from the school curriculum as we are growing. This does not make any sense because human is improving every single day. Then why we are slashing out some part of the syllabus every year.
Schools have the best teachers, resources and material.
This all implies something is wrong with the students. Why they cannot understand those concepts even there generation has better resources than the last generations.
The main problem is in your pocket and may be in your hand as you are reading this article.
Students ability to focus on a single task has been reduced. The constant context switching has damaged their ability to focus.
Smartphones are double-edged swords. We need to use it with precautions. Today’s generation has all the resources but, they lack focus. It is not the student’s fault only, Social media is also playing its role. Big advertising companies like Google, Facebook hire attention engineers to squeeze out profit from your attention. Tristan Harris explains this in his Documentary, “The Social Dilemma”.
Students need to find out why they are using social media. They sign up for these services without thinking about the consequences and benefits. They believe that this service is free. It costs them their attention.
These days everyone is saying that content creation is the future. They need to understand one thing. Who will consume the content when no one has the patience to sit down, watch a 10–15 minutes video or read a long article without opening another app in parallel?
Who will create content when people can’t read and understand complex concepts?
A silent storm is heading towards us and, very few of us are aware of it. When it hits, we will not have the ability to understand what has happened.